3 Ps in Life

The 3Ps in life : it’s correlation to Talent and Skills

Talent is overrated! Skills get underrated!

Confused? Let me explain.

I have seen people saying, “That person is very talented” but I hardly see people saying, “That person is very skillful”!

All of us are born with some talent. But to succeed you need to practice and improve your skills. Your talent gets converted to skills only through practice.

As a child when we are told, “good boy”, our brain gets a false signal that we are great and then we stop thinking and stop doing things that can actually help us become great. So, never allow such false signals to enter your brain. 

All of us are talented but not all are skillful. As I said above, only with practice you can hone your skills which then does justice to your talent.

For example, you may write well but if you do not write and publish content regularly then it’s a wasted talent. I have seen many middle-aged people being regretful that they didn’t follow their passion at the right time. So do not allow that to happen to you. Always do what you love to do. And if you start that at an early age your chance of success improves.

I have seen many talented individuals not reaching their true potential. Most of the time the blame would be on the individual though most do not accept that fact. 

Winners never give excuses. Losers do. 

Have you ever seen a successful person blaming their luck if they fail in any activity? No, because they learn from their failures, and learning from failures will only start when you stop giving excuses for your failures. You need to accept that you failed and then you need to look into the reasons and thereafter you will find a way to overcome that failure.

Let’s take the example of Vinod Kambli. Both Vinod Kambli and Sachin Tendulkar came to be known to the cricketing world together after their world record partnership of 664 runs in school cricket. From there Sachin got selected to the Indian team within 3 years whereas Kambli got selected after 7 years. By the time Kambli got into the Indian team, Sachin was already an established batsman but that didn’t stop him from trying to improve his game. Kambli in the meanwhile scored back-to-back double centuries in his 3rd and 4th Test match and immediately got into a self-gratification mode. What happened thereafter was that Kambli lost his place in the Indian team in 1997 whereas Sachin carried on and finally retired in 2013.

Talent-wise both Sachin and Kambli were no less than each other at the age of 14 years but one kept on practicing and improving whereas the other got self-gratified and didn’t practice enough to plug the loopholes in his batting and finished with an unfulfilled career.

Now let’s think of Anil Kumble. He was in his first series in England in 1990 when he dropped a catch and didn’t do great with the ball too. Kapil Dev told him that he will be surprised if he will have a long career with India. How wrong was he? Because Anil Kumble kept working hard and he not only went on to beat Kapil’s record in picking up maximum test wickets for India – he keeps holding that record even after 13 years of his retirement.

Talent can get you to a certain level but to be successful it’s the skills that take you far. And one needs to consistently work on his or her skills because if you don’t, someone else will come in from behind and push you back. So how do we do that?

  1. Honing your skills.

First, ask this question yourself. What are you good at? You only can answer this question. If you are good at writing then you need to write daily and you need to read daily. You need to read because you will learn more perspectives and it will help you become a better writer. 

Be a creator as well as a consumer.

      2. Consistent. 

You need to practice your skill daily. Each day you need to write. Do not think or rather overthink if it’s good or bad. Write for yourself. Writing will de-clutter your mind. Initially other than a couple of people others won’t even read your content. Doesn’t matter. Keep going. Keep writing every day. Write a blog. Then take that blog and convert it into multiple tweets or LinkedIn posts. Write LinkedIn articles. Just keep writing. 

     3. DOTS

Do One Thing Surely. For me it’s writing so I make sure that I give 2-3 hours every day on writing. Do this daily for more than 3 years and you will see results coming in. Do not get a false hope if you get a lot of traction in 6 months because the keyword is consistent. Even on your worse days, you should show up. This is your passion so you don’t need external motivation. 

      4. Power of 1%

Keep improving by 1% daily. You are your own competitor and hence you need to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday. It’s far better to compete with yourself than competing or comparing yourself to others. Think of Sergei Bubka – the man broke his own record 34 times. The rest of the field used to compete for the silver medal whereas Bubka was busy breaking his own records. This is only possible if you remain humble, stay grounded and believe in the power of 1%.

Do not get into a false hope or do not send signals to your brain that because you are talented your life will be set. Nothing is set because we are all talented. But talent doesn’t get food to the table – Skills do. And hence you need to keep developing your skills. 

Only when you turn your talent into your skill then you will find fulfillment in your life.

What you are good at and what you love to do is your purpose and passion in life – That’s your talent. 

Now convert this talent into meaningful skills by consistently working on it to make yourself skillful and once you have reached there, don’t get too satisfied, rather be happy with what you have achieved but at the same time keep working on it so that you keep getting better every day.

As I said above, what you love to do is your “Purpose

And what you are good at is your “Passion“.

These 2 Ps are your “Talent“.

Now, after this what you get paid for is your “Profession“. That’s the 3rd “P” of your life. And you get paid only when you convert your talent into skills.

Think of a cricketer:

He “loves” playing cricket (his purpose in life).

He is “good at” playing cricket (his passion).

He “gets paid for” playing cricket (his profession).

When all these 3Ps come together, you will find a person having a fulfilling life. 

I believe all of us, have it in us, to find these 3 Ps in life. You just need to travel back in time (in your mind) a few years and ask yourself, “What used to make you happy”. Now, try and do those activities once again – the things which used to make you happy – but you have stopped doing – and you will find that you will have fewer regrets going forward.

Success is not measured by the amount of bank balance you have – it is measured by what you give back to society and how much happy you are with your life. You will be truly happy only when all the 3 Ps are in sync.

So what are you waiting for? Have you found the 3 Ps or do you need help in finding your 3 Ps? Do write in if you think I can be of any help.

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Aniket Kumar
3 years ago

What an amazing read!!!
This filled me up with positivity. As a writer, I could relate to every line of this article.
Thank you, Sourav for these wonderful insights!!!

Dr Pavankumar
Dr Pavankumar
3 years ago

Wonderful read and very insightful. While I am reading the article, I automatically started relating it to me analysing how the things are going around and how best it can be done. Thank you Sourav ji

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